Retrospect: Three Best Demo Awards in 2018

Three of our demonstrators were awarded  Best Demo at ACM MobiSys’18, ACM ICN’18, and IEEE LCN’18.

  • Cenk Gündogan, Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Martine Lenders, Hauke Petersen, Matthias Wählisch, Michael Frey, Felix Shzu-Juraschek,
    Demo: Seamless Producer Mobility for the Industrial Information-Centric Internet,
    In: Proc. of 16th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications (MobiSys), Demo Session, ACM : New York, NY, USA, June 2018.
  • Cenk Gündogan, Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
    HoPP: Publish–Subscribe for the Constrained IoT,
    In: Proc. of 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN), Demo Session, ACM : New York, NY, USA, September 2018.
  • Cenk Gündogan, Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Martine Lenders, Hauke Petersen, Matthias Wählisch, Michael Frey, Felix Shzu-Juraschek,
    Resilient Machine-to-Machine Communication for an Information-centric Industrial IoT,
    In: Proc. of the 43rd Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN’18, Demo Session), IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, October 2018.
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